We choose materials with exclusive designs with you in mind.
We create ideas for you to imagine the rest.
We are close to you throughout the process.
The market changes, fashions evolve. Our catalogue too.
is Product
We have a dedicated team to search and find unique materials, exclusive products and designs full of possibilities adapted to you. Ya puedes dejar de imaginar. Tenemos lo que buscas.
is Quality
If it has no quality,is not Famo Design
Quality is also non-negotiable for us. We work with materials that ensure excellence of the final product. We control the process from the beginning to control the quality.
The best, from beginning to end.
We like to go further
is Development
We develop product lines so that the possibilities can grow beyond a single material. Infinite ways to make your clothes shine.
are Ideas
We give you context
We give you ideas. We put our products into real life so you can see how they fit into the world.
Expert creativity, at your service.
You are not alone
is Atention
We have more than forty years of import experience. We know the Chinese market because we are present there. And you with us. We are expert, agile and attentive. We reduce the time taken to receive materials to a minimum. If something doesn't work, let us know. Together we will find the solution.